



How Status Code 302 Affects SEO: Ultimate Guide Exposed Now

Status Code 302 is a temporary redirection. It is okay if configured correctly; otherwise, it will affect SEO. To fix it, check the quick guide
http status code 302


Status Code 302 temporary redirection may hamper your SEO because search engine bots still crawl the original URL instead of the redirect one.

But if it happens for a longer period, it might detect duplicate content, which can negatively impact your website's SEO. Here, you will get a guideline on the 302 Status Code and its impact on SEO.

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What is the status Code 302?

302 is a temporary redirect status code in the HTTP series. It tells you that the resource or webpage you seek has been temporarily redirected to a different location.

Example: If you renovate your house, you rent a house, stay there for a few days, and then return to your home. The same is true here.

So 302 is a temporary redirection, and 301 is a permanent move, which means you buy a new house and start living there immediately.

302 status code indicates the original URL or website can be reinstated again in the future.

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When does the 302 error arise?

If your website misconfigures, then it leads you to the 302 error. If it happens, you may face various issues. Let's go through the checklist:

  • If some particular page of your website redirects your visitors somewhere else, that is unacceptable.
  • Sometimes, your webpage redirects to the wrong resource in that scenario, which can also affect your impression.
  • You also face a redirecting loop or too many redirect errors.

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How does the 302 status code Affect SEO?

A status code 302 can damage your website's SEO if misconfigured.

If you use 302 redirects for your website's temporary pages, Search engines will not index your new page or URL. But suppose your redirection is not temporary, or you misconfigured it. In that case, you will have various SEO issues, such as broken links, canonical or duplicate content, and many other errors, which will negatively impact your SEO.

You should use 301 permanent redirections for a new URL or page that you will use permanently instead of the existing one. That way, the link juice will pass to the new URL, and Search engines will give it authority instead of the old one.

You should carefully handle the 302 status code. Otherwise, it will damage your reputation in search engines and among your visitors, resulting in a higher bounce rate.

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How do we fix the status code 302?

Double-check the redirects: The 302 Status code is not always an error; it is mainly used for temporary redirections. But when you misconfigure it, you will find a redirect loop. So before making your URL a 302 temporary redirection, double-check your page or URL configuration.

Verify Your Plugins Correctly: Sometimes, your installed plugins are the culprits for 302 errors. You should check each plugin to ensure that they never conflict with each other.

Inspect WordPress URL Settings: A misconfigured website URL can trigger 302 errors. Make sure your WordPress URL and Site URL are the same. Otherwise, you will receive the 302 status code error.

Look after your Server Configuration: A server error or misconfiguration can cause a 302 redirect error, so you should carefully watch your Server Configuration. Check your .htaccess file to see if your host uses the Apache server.

Ask for Help from Your Web Host: If all the above fails, don't hesitate to ask for technical support from your web host service provider. They will guide you to solve the 302 error seamlessly.

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Bottom Line

Undoubtedly, status code 302 strongly impacts your website's SEO. So whenever you find any issues related to it, try to resolve or fix them carefully. Otherwise, they will damage your reputation in Search Engines and among your users.


Q. Is 302 an error?

A. No, only sometimes. If you configure it correctly for your temporary URL or webpage redirection, then it will not be an error.

Q. Is 302 permanent?

A. No, 302 is not a permanent redirection. Running any offers or affiliates, or even if your particular webpage is under construction, leads to temporary 302 redirections. After everything is normal, it will again lead your visitors to the existing main page.

Q. What is the difference between 301 and 302 redirects?

A. Both are redirection, which means both the status codes lead you from one page to another. The only difference is if your page or URL has permanently moved to a new URL, then it is called 301 redirection. On the other hand, if your URL or web Page redirects to another URL temporarily, then it is called 302 temporary redirection.

Q. Is the 302 affect SEO?

A. If you correctly use the status code, the 302 will not affect your website's SEO. The temporary page is not crawled by search engines.

Q. Does Google index 302?

A. 302 status code tells Google that the page or URL has moved temporarily. So, Google and other search engines index the old URL and show the existing or old URL on SERP (Search Engine Result Page).

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Anjan kant

Outstanding journey in Microsoft Technologies (ASP.Net, C#, SQL Programming, WPF, Silverlight, WCF etc.), client side technologies AngularJS, KnockoutJS, Javascript, Ajax Calls, Json and Hybrid apps etc. I love to devote free time in writing, blogging, social networking and adventurous life

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