



The connection has timed out

The connection has timed out, The server taking too long, the server taking too long to respond

The server at is taking too long to respond.

  1. The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in few seconds.
  2. If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network.
  3. If your computer is protected by a fireball or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the web.

The connection has timed out
You may check above 3 steps when you are accessing the web browser Firefox normally, sometime request to server is taking more time than expectations so it couldn't locate the server so Firefox throws above standard exception in 3 points. You may check your again 3 cross checks to restore as per our expectations.

Step 1: Check Out Our Internet Cable

We have to check that our Internet cable is connected correctly with computer peripherals or not, if something is not properly then we have to plug correctly.

Step 2: Check Out PC Fireball or Proxy

We have to check our PC fireball or proxy that we have much tightened our PC security so our anti-virus is not able to connect our PC with internet connection.

Step 3: Cross Check Anti Virus

If we are facing our PC with much anti virus issues then we could be unable to connect with internet connection.

Step 4: Check Server Running

We have to check that tattered server is working fine or not, sometime it happen due to unavailability of  responding server. 


If we look into all above mentioned points then our web browser can work fine & you are not wandered with the web browsers (Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari) unusual behavior. I have provided above steps to resolve very known error The connection has timed out.

Suggested Reading

I wish you all happy web browsing :)

Anjan kant

Outstanding journey in Microsoft Technologies (ASP.Net, C#, SQL Programming, WPF, Silverlight, WCF etc.), client side technologies AngularJS, KnockoutJS, Javascript, Ajax Calls, Json and Hybrid apps etc. I love to devote free time in writing, blogging, social networking and adventurous life

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