



The Top Signs That You May Have To Buy a New Phone

Are you experiencing slower-than-usual performance, shorter battery life, or frequent crashes on your phone?
The Top Signs That You May Have To Buy a New Phone


Smartphones are pretty much like laptops in the sense that they become outdated really quickly and even though you bought a new model six months to one year ago, you will find friends and family telling you that this is the older model, and you need to get yourself a new one. This puts a lot of pressure on Australians every single year to upgrade their current handset or buy a brand-new one. It is fair to say that many people cannot do without their handsets because it contains all of their important information including business contacts and social contacts as well.

If you’re not sure if you need a phone from the Mobile Federation just yet because you’re not sure if your phone is outdated already then, the following are just some of the top signs that tell you that you may need to buy a new handset.

The latest operating systems don’t work 

If you are completely unable to upgrade to the current operating system from the manufacturer then it’s probably likely that you need to get yourself a new smartphone. In all likelihood, the hardware on your handset maybe so last year that just can’t do any updates anymore.

Your battery dies really quickly

If your battery on your phone is unable to hold a charge for any significant amount of time then it may be time to change your handset. For those of you who were thinking that it would be a smarter idea just to change the battery, you need to understand that batteries can be incredibly expensive and it would make more sense just to get yourself a new phone.

The handset keeps shutting down

You could take it to a store that specializes in fixing smartphones but when you look at the costs of fixing it if that is possible then it ends up being cheaper to buy a new one. If your smartphone is starting to shut down now, then who knows what’s lying around the next corner and it may just die after you get it fixed.


If you are experiencing these three things then it’s pretty certain that your smartphone has seen better days and it’s time for you to upgrade to a much better one. Make sure that you buy from a reputable Australian seller like the one suggested above and then you know that you’re getting a quality handset for an excellent price.


Anjan kant

Outstanding journey in Microsoft Technologies (ASP.Net, C#, SQL Programming, WPF, Silverlight, WCF etc.), client side technologies AngularJS, KnockoutJS, Javascript, Ajax Calls, Json and Hybrid apps etc. I love to devote free time in writing, blogging, social networking and adventurous life

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