



3 Ways to Make Your Outsource Sales Team More Productive

Here are the explained best 3 ways to make your outsource sales team more productive.
3 Ways to Make Your Outsource Sales Team More Productive


There are certain activities that ensure business continuity.  These form the very basis of how the company operates, those actions that must be completed in order for the company to operate successfully.  Such activities are called core activities. Sales and marketing is among the various functions that are outsourced the most by companies.

After all, pretty much every industry needs to focus on sales to boost their revenue. But, not every company can spare the resources to set up a sales department. So, it makes sense for these companies to outsource their sales functions.

It isn’t easy to oversee the sales function if you’ve outsourced it to another company. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t work with an outsourced sales team. Here are some ways in which you can work with an outsourced sales team to make them more productive.

1. Increase Communication with Outsourced Sales Teams 

You would first need to increase communication with your outsourced sales team. Managing a large team often relies on effective communication. But, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t communicate often when working with a smaller team. Communicating as often as you can will allow you to operate more smoothly.

It’s not possible to meet management expectations on projects if you don’t communicate. Communicating will also allow you to solve problems early on in the sales process. After all, it can take time to get accustomed to working with a new sales team. This is true for both in-house and outsourced sales teams.

You can round up your outsourced sales team often and encourage them to be more productive. This would allow you to start your sales campaigns on a positive note. Also, communicating with them will foster a good relationship with them. This is important if you plan on working with them in the long run.  Literally treat the outsourced sales team as an extension of your team.  T

You can meet up with your sales team at the start of every week. This would allow you to set the goals and expectations for your sales campaigns. So, all team members would know what’s expected of them right at the start of the week. This in turn would allow them to deliver on these expectations.

Sometimes, it may not be practical to host team meetings often if your sales team is in another part of the world. This is why it’s important to schedule meetings whenever it’s convenient for everyone to attend. But, make sure the communication channels are open to them so they contact you when the need arises.

2. Encourage Transparency

Another way to make your outsourced sales team productive is to encourage transparency. The working of your company should be easy to understand for those you outsource work to. A transparent system would make it easy for your sales team to deliver on your expectations.

You should create a proper system for the sales team to report project progress to. They should also know whom to approach if they’re facing any issues with sales. Having a transparent system in place will foster transparency in your working relationship.

Transparency also involves reporting on the progress of sales efforts. So, you should encourage the outsourced sales team to send you regular updates on their work. This will help you hold them accountable for any delays and errors they may make. It’ll also help you understand what’s holding up your sales efforts.

Time is of the essence when it comes to sales campaigns. After all, online advertising trends are ever-changing and you’d need to keep up with them. This is why it’s important to check with your sales team and see if they’re following these trends.

If the sales team knows you’re checking on their work often, it’ll push them to be more productive. This in turn will make sure your sales campaigns are top-notch. In the long run, this will help your company overtake your competitors.

3. Simplify Complex Tasks

It can be difficult to execute a sales campaign with so much competition out there. The introduction of new production technologies has made sales easier than ever. Anyone can use modern sales techniques to boost their revenue. The introduction of online marketing too has made sales a more convenient process.

But, it can be difficult to handle large sales operations if you haven’t done it before. Your outsourced sales team would need to know how to use sales channels in the right way. The same goes for other promotional methods online and offline. You can help them to increase their productivity and boost sales on all platforms.

One way to do this would be to simplify complex tasks for them. Help them to break up sales projects into smaller goals. This would allow them to focus on each sales target one at a time. Giving them large projects to work on from the get-go can be overwhelming. It would be hard for you to define these large sales tasks for them.

Poorly-defined tasks won’t be easy to execute for even the most experienced sales teams. So, you may want to take your time breaking these tasks into smaller fragments. A good way to start would be to break them down into tasks that can be achieved in a single day. This would allow your outsourced sales team to tackle them one at a time.

Working on the tasks one by one would give them the space to be more creative. Fostering their creativity will also help them be more productive. But, make sure that the sales team knows how to approach each of these tasks the right way. Also, make sure you’re accessible enough so they can communicate with you if they have any questions or need to course correct.


These are some of the best ways in which you can make your outsourced sales team more productive. Increased productivity will help you boost your revenue and profit margins. This in turn will allow you to sustain your business in the long run.

Not only that, it’ll also help you stay one step ahead of your competitors. The beauty of these tips is that they’re applicable to any industry. After all, every industry needs capable sales teams to help them reach more customers. Also, it’s important that you should choose the right company to outsource your operations to.

You’ll find many sales companies out there that claim to deliver impressive results. But, very few of them can give you the kind of results you’d expect. Make sure to read about a company as much as you can before you reach an agreement with it.  All the very best!


Anjan kant

Outstanding journey in Microsoft Technologies (ASP.Net, C#, SQL Programming, WPF, Silverlight, WCF etc.), client side technologies AngularJS, KnockoutJS, Javascript, Ajax Calls, Json and Hybrid apps etc. I love to devote free time in writing, blogging, social networking and adventurous life

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