



How The 202 Status Code Impact on SEO: Powerful Guide Exposed

The HTTP 202 Status Code signifies that the request is being processed but not completed. Its frequent appearance can negatively impact SEO.
HTTP Status Code 202


HTTP status codes are the server's response to the browser's request. Generally, when you visit any website, your browser sends a message to the website's server, and the server comes up or responds to the browser's request; this is called HTTP status code, which comes to the three-digit code. HTTP 202 Status Code is one of them in the series. Here, we will discuss in detail the 202 accepted codes.

Table of Contents:

What is the 202 status code?

The HTTP 202 status code signifies that the server has received and accepted the user's request for processing, but the request is in processing mode and still needs to be completed. It may happen for time-consuming tasks like generating reports or uploading large files.

How does it affect SEO?

Though 202 code is sometimes destructive for SEO, overuse or misuse can impact your website's crawling and SEO. Let's dive deeper into the impact on SEO and crawling.

The Adverse effect of 202 accepted codes:

Decrease website Crawling: Search engine crawlers discover your web content and index it. If crawlers encounter the 202 status code too often, they might visit the sites repeatedly to retrieve the latest or final content. It can be the reason for the delay in indexing and reduced crawl efficiency.

Higher Bounce Rates: If users trigger the 202 code, visitors may leave the site because there is no clear indication of when the processing is complete. As a result, visitors can become frustrated, leading to higher bounce rates and indirectly affecting your Website's SEO.

Overload The Server: 202 responses are generally used when visitors visit the page and upload large files or generate reports; this might overload the server, slowing the response time and leading to crashes. So be careful because it can hurt SEO and user experience.

Removal From SERP (Search Engine Result Page): If some particular pages or URLs repeatedly show the 202 code, search engines might think it may be misleading or unreliable content. As a result, your website may face indexing issues and be removed from the SERP.

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How to Fix the 202 issues?

The 202 status code does not always need to be fixed. The showing code means the server is processing your request but still needs to complete it. Sometimes, this is okay, but sometimes, it indicates some internal issues that must be fixed. Let's explore this in detail.

When the 202 is Expected: If the request concerns long-running tasks like video uploading, processing, and generating large files, then the 202 code is quite natural.

Repeatedly 202 codes: If your visitors frequently experience the code in the different functionalities, it might lead to the misuse of the code or server overload.

Relevant Reading:

Possible Solutions:

Server Optimization: If the code causes delays, ensure your website server has enough resources to manage the processing or slowdown tasks efficiently.

Potential Code Implementation: If you find the server's 202 code wrongly implemented, for quick actions, you can edit your server-side code and replace it with a correct Status Code, 200, for completed tasks or other relevant HTTP Status Codes.

Provide User Updates: If your visitors trigger the 202 code, you can better the user experience by providing a specific completion time or updating them on their progress.

Additional Pro Tips:

Track Crawling Issues: Use SEO tools to monitor your site's performance and how search engines crawl it. If your server frequently has 202 responses, it may indicate crawling issues. Then, you must optimize your website's server response time or use proper caching.

Discover Alternatives: A 200 (OK) code is suitable for fast tasks. 204 (No Content) response is preferable for user interactions without server processing.

Remember, the HTTP 202 Status Code does not always hurt your Website or SEO. Properly structured and implemented, it can provide a hassle-free user experience and improve your site's SEO.

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How does the HTTP status code checker find your website's 202 accepted status codes?

Many HTTP status code checker tools are available online, and they can help you identify the 202 processing codes. Let's explore those tools below:

  • Sitechecker: With a straightforward interface, it is ideal for checking single URLs.
  • WebFX HTTP Status Tool allows you to check bulk URLs with in-detail response reports.
  • redirects for multiple URLs with headers and HTTP status codes.

The tools mentioned above can identify the codes but can't tell you the specific reason for returning the 202 code. If you encounter this frequently, you might investigate the issues with your server code or consult with your developers.

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HTTP 202 Status Code signifies that the user's request has been accepted and is in processing mode. It is sometimes regular when accessing large files like long videos or generating reports. But if you frequently face these issues, they affect your Website ranking and SEO. So, you must fix the problems with server optimization and potential code implementation, provide user updates, and discover alternative codes as needed. You can also contact your developer. If you access those codes correctly, then it will boost your Website's SEO.

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Q. Is 202 an error?

A. No, it is not an error code; this means the request is being processed but still needs to be completed.

Q. What does response 202 mean?

A. It means the user's request from the browser to the server is not completed for the website, but it is being processed.

Q. How can I check for 202 codes on my website?

A. Many tools are available online; you can use any of the reputed tools to check your HTTP codes.

Q. Are there any SEO penalties for using the 202 code?

A. Google or any search engine will never directly hurt your website. But as we discussed earlier, if it appears often, then indexing issues and user experience problems can arise, which hurt your website's SEO and increase the bounce rate. So, yes, indirectly, it affects your site's SEO.

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Anjan kant

Outstanding journey in Microsoft Technologies (ASP.Net, C#, SQL Programming, WPF, Silverlight, WCF etc.), client side technologies AngularJS, KnockoutJS, Javascript, Ajax Calls, Json and Hybrid apps etc. I love to devote free time in writing, blogging, social networking and adventurous life

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